
A Proper Spectacle – Extracts from Press Reviews

'A Proper Spectacle – Women Olympians 1900-1936' has been used as the basis for many press articles. The book has been mentioned as source for articles published by British newspapers like the Times, Daily Express and Sunday Telegraph and, in the USA, featured in the Chicago Tribune. The authors have been interviewed for radio and TV broadcasts all over the world.

Extract from 'The Olympian' book review

 'Nothing could be more appropriate or meaningful than to produce a book concentrating upon those early years 1900-1936, when women athletes suffered and struggled against prejudice and ignorance to gain acceptance and recognition. With consummate success this is exactly what authors Stephanie Daniels and Anita Tedder have achieved with their 'A Proper Spectacle' a well researched and illustrated book containing many historical facts. It makes fascinating and compulsive reading.'

Extract from review in the Journal of the International Society of Olympic Historians

 'The authors have made contact with many female participants from the pre-World War 11 Games who have provided an invaluable contribution to our knowledge of the Games from an athletes point of view. (The book) provides an a fascinating and revealing insight into the Olympic world for women in the early days. An added advantage of establishing so many worldwide contacts is that the Olympians themselves have readily supplied hitherto unpublished photographs from their family albums and this adds considerable to an excellent pioneering work.'


Edith Robinson, Australia (Athlete 1928 Amsterdam Olympics) - June 28th 2000
Thank you so much for including my photos in your book. I had no idea the Olympics went back so far. If you are coming over for the Games I hope to meet you. I am a guest of honor on the first day!

Domnitsa Cavanidou Lanitis, Greece (Athlete 1936 and 1948 Olympics) - May 20th 2000
I congratulate you as an athlete as a woman and as a Greek for your wonderful work. It’s a very good book for my athletics library and for my descendants. I consider myself lucky that we have become friends and in spite of the distance feel that we are very near!

Vittorina Vivenza Devoti, Italy (Athlete 1928 Olympics) - May 5th 2000
Ho ricevuto con immenso piacere il libro che mi avete mandato, è un'opera molto importante per lo sport e la sua memoria.

Vi ringrazio di cuore e vi auguro tanto successo nel lavoro e nella vita. 

From Pat Down Norton, Australia (Swimmer 1936 Olympics) - 20th April 2000
Dear Stephanie and Anita...received your Olympic Book today 20/4 and have read half of it already! I think you have both done a great job, particularly as I can quite appreciate the work that has gone into it. I wish you both every success with it.

Anita and Steph - 31st March 2000
We’d like to thank everyone who is contacting us - especially as it looks as though there’s a lot of work for us to do coming in! Things are a bit frantic at the moment, but we will be following up on all the leads people have sent us. Thanks for all the encouragement - it means a great deal.

In June we were featured on BBC Radio 4’s Womens' Hour.  Audrey Brown (British silver medalist in the relay at Berlin in 1936) did the show with us and was totally brilliant.  She thrilled listeners with her stories.  The book has also received some great reviews, not least of all with our first national coverage in the London Times of May 25th.  We are hoping to get some of the reviews on this site soon.

Travis Cranley, Sydney, Australia - 30th March 2000
As the editor of the Olympic souvenir sport programs for Sydney 2000, may I congratulate Steph and Anita on their outstanding diligence and determination to share with us the great stories surrounding some of our forgotten Olympians.

This website and accompanying book are not only important as historical records of the rise of women in sport, but they paint vivid pictures for us of triumph, tragedy and tremendous personal achievement. If only all historical research could be so inspiring!

Julie Shipley - 30th March 2000
It was a real honour to be at the book launch last week and to feel part of 'A Proper Spectacle.' The enormous amount of hard work and dedication must have seemed worth it when all the ladies came together congratulations and well done!

Tracy Mack, Bedfordshire - 28th March 2000
I had the honour and privilege to attend the launch of 'A Proper Spectacle' on March 19th. What an amazing day, not only to meet the authors Anita Tedder and Stephanie Daniels, but to meet and talk with the Olympians who made the journey to attend the launch. I now have a signed copy of the book to not only read, but to treasure knowing that I have a book written about women who have changed the course of women's sport through their efforts and courage.